Saturday, May 1, 2010

Recent presentations we've done for Street to Trail

Recently we've done a number of presentations about Street to Trail for local groups: The Royal Canadian Air Force, Toronto Southeast Presbytery of the United Church of Canada at Scarborough Bluffs United Church, University of Toronto Occupational Therapy Students, and CCNM -- Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.

For each of these presentations we setup a display table and show the 15-minute DVD of the CBC's documentary on S2T. Then we show a 30-minute PowerPoint slide show. There's always great discussions around the display table. People have so many questions!

For more information about the program
and how to become a supporting member, visit
or e-mail
Please consider to making a donation:
Street to Trail Association
P.O. Box 74531 Adelaide Street East
Toronto, Ontario M5C-2J8

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