Friday, May 14, 2010

In the morning 23 people showed up, but we only had seats for 17. This makes the 24 passenger van a must. Of the six people who stepped out of the trip, most where Voyager hikers who have been on hikes before. They let the newcomers go instead, knowing that the experience will introduce these folks to what Street to Trail has to offer.

The canoe you see in the upper photo is located in Bentshoe lake in the Muskoka Region. In lower photo, Fraser Johnson, a staffer at Mountain Equipment Co-op points out a canoe to Diana Mackle and Ross Colquhoun. Ross took serious notice of of a plea in Paul Mackle’s Street to Trail address at the 2010 AGM meeting on April 26. Ross very generously purchased the canoe for our trips.

For more information about the program and
how to become a supporting member, please visit
Consider to making a donation to
Street to Trail Association
P.O. Box 74531 Adelaide Street East
Toronto, Ontario. M5C-2J8

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