Wednesday, November 14, 2007


November 09, 2007

Street to Trail has been granted ownership of one-acre on an island in the midstream of the Black River. Canoes can now rest on the "rock" owned by Street to Trail. The cliff banks are a mixture of layered clay and sand. The river flows around the island and drifts north to the Trent Canal.
Island was donated through Treasure House Ministries. The organization had decided to wind down its operations and, knowing Street to Trail's mission and methods, offered the property to us.

On June 29 - 30, 2007, Paul Mackle and Francis Hebert scouted out the island and and camped on it. The island will provide Street to Trail with a number of new camping opportunities. There is a small, safe and secure shed with power outlets. This will help enormously in winter wilderness camping.

On October 1 - 4, 2007, Paul Mackle, Robert Murphy, Paul O'Hara and Lou Wilkinson developped a new canoe route. This environmentally-interesting trip starts just south of Washago, off Highway 169, where one can put into the Black River. This is a rocky river and provides lots of liftovers and portages on the way to the island.

While I was paddling in these the quiet waters, I was thinking of all the people that this new island facility will help over the years to come.

The next day we set our course for Lake St. John. With maps in hand, we journeyed from Black River to St. John Creek. After portaging the dam, we saw trees fallen across the stream. While these are obstacles, their presence also makes the journey beautiful.

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